Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Wedding Guide--Orchids

Orchids are one of the most popular flower choices for a wedding. Because of the incredible diversity (25,000 species and more than 100,000 hybrids), light fragrance and stunning visual interest, you can drag also considered. If so, here are some keys to success.

1 - know what you stand for your flowers

There's nothing more annoying than lilacs (symbolizing purity) for a second or third marriage. Each flower has given meaning in the minds of your guests, so you need to know what it is. Fortunately, orchids have a very general sense: beauty. But it is not necessarily superficial beauty. They can be used to draw attention to the deeper beauty of love, your wedding ceremony and tradition that surrounds you.

2 - Installation plan wisely

Orchids can be used in wedding bouquets and centerpieces. Many varieties are fragrance-free, so that when guests or family are sensitive, you can check your orchid to ensure there will be no problems. The wedding bouquet is very often near the bride's face and could cause an unflattering answer if you have chosen unwisely.

Orchids are extremely strong and can handle the hottest of the hot weather. But be careful in the cold, and may bruise easily - especially a concern when they are in. Although orchids are sent throughout the year, you should check to see what is available locally to keep costs low so buying in bulk.

3 - buy in bulk

Orchids can be very expensive if purchased from a florist or delivered to the wedding. One of the best ways to keep them economically by purchasing in bulk. It's actually a very simple process. Look for flowers and gardening wholesalers and producers, or in your local telephone directory. Call and make an appointment! ...

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